Backflow Services

Backflow Services Salt Lake

Backflow Maintenance

Here at A1 Fire sprinklers our highly trained professionals will repair your backflow with as little down time as possible. We understand how important it is to be back up and protected.

Checking the backflow of your fire sprinkler system and repairing any issues before a fire occurs is crucial to ensure the proper functioning of your fire suppression system. That is why the Utah backflow prevention and repair specialists at A1 Fire Sprinklers offer a range of maintenance services to keep your system running at maximum performance in the event of an emergency, including:
  • Corrosion or leak assessment
  • Assembly function assessment
  • Assembly integrity assessment to ensure proper installation
  • Assessment to keep pressure in an acceptable range

Backflow installation

on existing systems is performed by qualified technicians who are familiar with the special requirements of a fire system and other applications.

Backflow testing

is required to be performed annually or more often if the water provider feels the risk warrants more frequent testing. The test performed is determined by the type of device. Testing is done with a differential gage that a qualified tester can interpret and troubleshoot problems and advise on how to repair if necessary. Part of testing is to observe the health risk and if noticed advise customer and (required by law) and water provider of any improper set up or the wrong device.

Things we do to make sure your covered:
  • Testing to make sure the assembly is working properly
  • Checking to make sure the parts are in place and that there is no damage to the assembly
  • Testing to make sure pressures are within an acceptable range